Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Swimming and a little More Swimming

So considering my fragility as a "tri-athlete", I have been concentrating on swimming to build my endurance and swimming technique. I have started a “Zero to 1650 in Six Weeks” program to help me become more comfortable in the water and build my confidence.

Integrating this plan with TI drills as a warm-up and using TI "thoughts" while I swim is the ongoing plan. Trying to keep a focus or though on one part of my swimming, like my body rotation has been more difficult than I imagined. The struggle of getting comfortable with breathing, keeping my swim “thought” and counting laps has me thinking more about what lap I’m on vs. my swim ”thought”. That said, my swimming has improved, I have had a few laps each session where things have come together. Those laps feel really smooth and fast(well, fast for me).

Here is last week’s swimming workout:
Three Sessions of :
4 x 100 yards (or meters)...rest for 12 breaths between 100s
4 x 50 yards...rest for 8 breaths between 50s
4 x 25 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 25s
total: 700 yards (each session)
See this link for the full plan

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weekly Update 7/22

I'm still slowly recovering from my swollen knee. I have been reading "The Well-Built Triathlete" by Matt Dixon. So far, it is an interesting read, I do like his priority on recovery. I will follow his recommendation to separate execise fueling and daily nutrition. I will continue to follow a low carb daily nutrition plan to help my weight loss, but I'm thinking that I will try to incorporate his exercise fueling plan. My hope is that if I have been under recovering becuase of my lack of fueling before and after my training. I should be able to increase my training load without injury.

My only gripe with "The Well-Built Triathlete" is that it isn't available in a kindle or e-book format.

So onto the training plan for next few weeks. I will concentrate on my swimming and slowing increase my cycling and running volume and frequency. I will add fueling before and after training to help my recovery and keep a close eye on my knee to see how well it absorbs the training I have planned.

More from "the Well-Built Triathlete" next week.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Injury Recovery, Swimming and Weight Loss

Injury recovery is going slowly. The swelling has gone down. However the day after swimming I still get some pain in my left knee. I will slowly increase the frequency of swimming and then add in running next week and see how I recover from the training.

I have been following the Total Immersion (TI) method of swimming. I'm pleased with the progress I have made so far. My stroke is smooth, but I have been struggling with my breathing. Breathing every third stroke has been ok, but I need to check my head placement and rotation to ensure that I can get a breath without swallowing or inhaling water. I will dedicate a post to the TI method in the near future.

My weight loss has stopped. With my daughters birthday, I cheated and have struggled to get back to my diet. I have gotten back to making my food for the workday and having the prepped food (precooking bacon, making chili) I need to put together a quick tasty meal that is low or no carb.

I have been wondering if i need to consume a small amount of carbs after I train to ensure that I get a good recovery. I have picked up The Well-Built Triathlete by Matt Dixon. I will review it in the coming weeks.

Weekly totals 7/6 - 7/12:
Swimming: 1.25 hours
Bike: 0 hours
Run: 0 Hours

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Injury, Place to Swim & Weekly Totals 7/5

Weekly Total 6/29/14 to 7/5/14
Swim: 0
Bike : 1.0h
Run : .13h
Weight: 244.1

I stressed my left knee. It start to hurt on Monday, so I only did 30 minutes on the stationary bike Monday and Tuesday. That made the injury worse. I was fine during the exercise, but after cooling down the knee stiffened and was painful. I have stopped running and bikeing until I can at least walk with no pain.

After reviewing the local fitness clubs with a pool, the frunt runner is:
Star Hill Family Athletic Center is my favorite. I will try out the 7 day pass and most likely join for the year.